It was not at all what I expected, but I really ended up liking it. It was a travel book, very much from an outsider's perspective. In fact, Kistner often mentioned how they listened to conversations about various political issues and didn't comment, since they didn't have the background or experience to discuss them. I came to admire her restraint, since it seems I am always happy to shoot my mouth off about whatever I know even the tiniest fact about. The aspect of the book that I really enjoyed was her descriptions of how they made these expeditions work with their young children along, and that was quite inspiring. Long-term international travel with young children, here we come?
There was a lot of discussion of termites and ants, since Kistner's husband is an entomologist studying myrmecophiles and termitophiles (insects that live with ants and termites), and I found myself dreaming of marching ant columns a couple of times.
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