Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Book 8: Grain Brain

This book claims that grains are not only bad for your weight and pancreas, but also they're bad for your brain.

This was an interesting book, but I have a healthy dose of skepticism about anything that says that being gluten free prevents and/or reverses a wide variety of illnesses and conditions, including Alzheimer's disease, dementia, ADHD, anxiety, and depression.

I'm not going grain-free, just so you know.

1 comment:

  1. I had to click on this to see what you thought of the book. There seems to be a fad in our ward right now of people who believe gluten causes everything from autism to global warming. Ward dinners are quite the complicated affair these days. Glad you're not going grain-free. I would love it, however, if all of the amazingly healthy breads you can get in Europe were more readily available here.
