Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Book 4: Happier at Home

I read The Happiness Project last year and didn't really love it, probably because I didn't love Rubin's Ben-Franklin-esque method of tracking her progress in her project. But I still decided to read this one. Yep, I'm at home, and yep, everyone in the family would benefit from increasing our happiness here.

order happier at home

I didn't love this book. There were some really interesting ideas and principles mentioned, and I got a lot of titles of other books to read, mostly about human nature and philosophy. But there sure was a lot of navel gazing.

The best part of the book might be the encouragement to start my own personal happiness project. Maybe I'll take that on this year.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, start your own happiness project and blog about it. I bet you would have some new and interesting perspectives and ideas. And, I bet it'd be pretty entertaining, too.
